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    General specification
    General Standards 
    The product is designed and produced to comply with BS EN60947-4-3 (Low
    voltage switch gear and control gear). Other applicable standards are cited
    where appropriate.
    Installation Categories 
    General installation category details for the driver and power units are
    summarised in the table below.
    Installation Rated impulse Rated 
    Category withstand insulation
    voltage (Uimp) voltage
    Communications II 0.5kV 50V
    Standard/Optional I/O II 0.5kV 50V
    Driver module power II 2.5kV 230V
    Relays III 4kV 230V
    Power Modules (up to 600V) III 6kV 600V
    Power Modules (690V) II 6kV 690V
    Auxiliary (fan) supply II 2.5kV 230V
    Power (at 40°C) 
    Although the driver module supply voltage range is 85 to 265V ac, the
    fans (if any) fitted to the power (thyristor) modules are specified for use
    at one of 115V ac or 230V ac as specified at time of order. Before
    plugging the fan harness into the driver module, ensure that the utility
    supply voltage is suitable for the fan(s). Otherwise, fan life may be
    shortened or the cooling effect may not be sufficient, either case
    presenting a possible hazard to the equipment or to the operator.
    Driver module
    Voltage range:  100 to 240V ac (+10% - 15%)
    Frequency range:  47 to 63Hz
    Power requirement:  60W + Power Module fans 
    (15W each for 400A/500A/630A power 
    10W each for 160A/250A modules)
    Power module
    Number of modules:  Up to four identical units per driver unit
    Voltage range:  100 to 600V ac (+10% - 15%) or 
    100 to 690V ac (+10% - 15%) 
    as specified at time of order
    Frequency range:  47 to 63Hz
    Nominal current:  16 to 630A  depending on power module
    Power dissipation:  1.3W per Amp per phase
    Up to and including 100A:  Natural convection
    Above 100A:  Fan cooling. Fans are connected in parallel 
    to driver module connector
    Fan supply voltage:  115 or 230V ac, as specified at time of order
    (see ‘Caution’ above)
    Protection Thyristor drive:  RC circuits and high-speed fuses (Type 1)
    Pollution degree: Pollution degree 2 (EN60947-1)
    Rated short circuit 
    conditional current: 92kA
    Utilisation categories AC51: non inductive or slightly inductive loads, 
    resistance furnaces
    AC56a: switching of transformers
    Duty cycle: Uninterrupted duty/continuous operation
    Form designation: Form 4
    Short circuit protection
    co-ordination type: Type1
    Load types:  Single or multiphase control of resistive 
    loads (low/high temperature coefficient and
    non-aging/aging types) and transformer 
    primaries. Load voltage/current feedback 
    either internal (standard) or external 
    (option for use with transformer 
    secondaries for example)
    Dimensions and fixing centres  See Fixing Details
    Weight kg (lbs): 
    (including 2kg for driver module)
    Current 1 phase 2 phases 3 phases 4 phases
    50A 6.5 (14.3) 11.0 (24.3) 15.5 (34.2) 20.0 (44.1)
    100A 6.5 (14.3) 11.0 (24.3) 15.5 (34.2) 20.0 (44.1)
    160A 6.9 (15.2) 11.8 (26.0) 16.7 (36.8) 21.6 (47.6)
    250A 7.8 (17.2) 13.6 (30.0) 19.4 (42.8) 25.2 (55.6)
    400A 11.8 (26.0) 21.6 (47.6) 31.4 (69.2) 41.2 (90.8)
    500A 14.0 (30.9) 26.0 (57.3) 38.0 (83.8) 50.0 (110.2)
    630A 14.5 (32.0) 27.0 (59.5) 39.5 (87.1) 52.0 (114.6)
    Temperature limits Operating:  0°C to 50°C (derate above 40°C as per 
    accompanying curves)
    Storage:  -25°C to 70°C
    Atmosphere:  Non-explosive, non-corrosive and 
    Humidity limits:  5% to 95% RH (non-condensing)
    Altitude (maximum):  1000 metres
    Protection: IP10 (EN60529)
    External wiring:  Must comply with IEC 364
    Shock (EN60068-2-29): 10g Pk; 6mS duration; 10 bumps
    Vibration (EN60068-2-6):  67-150Hz at 1g
    Standard:  EN60947-4-3 Emissions class A
    This product has been designed for 
    environment A (Industrial). Use of this  
    product in environment B (domestic, 
    commercial and light industrial) may cause  
    unwanted electromagnetic disturbances in 
    which cases the user may be required to take 
    adequate mitigation measures.
    Immunity criteria: Immunity criterion 1 (criterion 3 for voltage 
    dips and short-time interruptions)
    Operator Interface 
    Display:  4 lines of up to 10 characters each. Display 
    pages can be used to view process variable 
    values and to view and edit the 
    configuration of the unit. (Editing of the 
    configuration is better carried out using 
    configuration software (iTools). In addition 
    to the standard displays, up to four ‘custom’
    pages can be defined which allow bargraph 
    displays, text entry etc.
    Character format:  7 high x 5 wide yellow-green LCD dot matrix 
    Push buttons: 4 push buttons provide page and item entry
    and scroll facilities
    LED indicators (beacons):  3 indicators (PWR LOC and ALM) are 
    supplied to indicate that power is applied, 
    that Local Control  is selected and that 
    there is one or more active alarm 
    Standard Inputs/Outputs (SK1) 
    All figures are with respect to driver module 0V, unless otherwise stated.
    Number of inputs/outputs
    No of analogue inputs: 2
    No of analogue outputs: 1
    No of digital inputs/outputs: 2 (each configurable as an input or an 
    10V (Potentiometer) supply: 1
    Update rate:  Twice the mains frequency applied to power
    module 1. Defaults to 83.2Hz (12mS) if no 
    power applied to power module1 or if the 
    frequency lies outside the range 47 to 63Hz)
    Termination:  Removable 10-way connector. (5.08 mm. 
    Analogue Inputs 
    Performance: See Tables 1 and 2
    Input types: Each input is configurable as one of: 0 to 
    10V, 1 to 5V, 2 to 10V, 0 to 5V, 0 to 20mA,    
    4 to 20 mA
    Absolute maxima + terminal: ±16V or ±40mA
    - terminal: ±1.5V or ±300mA

    100 Amp unit
    50 Amp unit
    Temperature °C
    Maximum current (A)
    160 Amp unit
    250 Amp unit
    400 Amp unit
    500 Amp unit
    630 Amp unit

    Analogue input: Voltage input performance
    Parameter Typical Max/Min
    Total voltage working input span (Note 1) -0.25V to +12.5V
    Resolution (noise free) (Note 2) 13 bits
    Calibration error (Notes 3 and 4) <0.25% <0.5%
    Linearity error (Note 3) ±0.1%
    Ambient temperature error (Note 3) <0.01%/°C
    Input resistance (+‘ve terminal to 0V) >140kΩ
    Input resistance (-‘ve terminal to 0V) 150Ω
    Allowable voltage (-‘ve terminal to 0V) ±1V
    Series mode rejection of mains interference 46dB >30dB
    Common mode dc rejection 46dB >40dB
    Hardware response time 5ms  
    Note 1: w.r.t. to the relevant -‘ve input
    Note 2: w.r.t. total working span
    Note 3: % of effective range (0 to 5V, 0 to 10V)
    Note 4: After warm up. Ambient = 25°C
    Table 1  Analogue input specification table (voltage inputs)
    Analogue input: Current input performance
    Parameter Typical Max/Min
    Total current working input span -1mA to +25mA
    Resolution (noise free) (Note 1) 12 bits
    Calibration error (Notes 2 and 3) <0.25% <0.5%
    Linearity error (Note 2) ±0.1%
    Ambient temperature error (Note 2) <0.01%/°C
    Input resistance (+‘ve to -’ve terminal) 235Ω
    Input resistance (-‘ve terminal to 0V) 150Ω
    Allowable voltage (-‘ve terminal to 0V) <±1V
    Series mode rejection of mains interference 46dB >30dB
    Common mode dc rejection 46dB >40dB
    Hardware response time 5ms
    Note 1: w.r.t. total working span
    Note 2: % of effective range (0 to 20mA)
    Note 3:  After warm up. Ambient =25°C
    Table 2  Analogue input specification table (current inputs)
    Analogue outputs 
    Performance: See Tables 3 and 4
    Output types: Each output is configurable as one of 0 to 
    10V, 1 to 5V, 2 to 10V, 0 to 5V, 0 to 20mA,  
    4 to 20 mA
    Absolute maxima + terminal: (-0.7V or -300mA) or (+16V or +40mA)
    0V terminal: ±2A
    Analogue output: Voltage output performance
    Parameter Typical Max/Min
    Total voltage working span -0.5V to +12.5V
    (within ±20mA (typ.) current span)
    Short circuit current <24mA
    Resolution (noise free) (Note 1) 12.5 bits
    Calibration error (Notes 2 and 3) <0.25% <0.5%
    Linearity error (Note 2) <±0.1%
    Ambient temperature error (Note 2) <0.01%°C
    Minimum load resistance >800Ω
    DC output impedance <2Ω
    Hardware response time (10% to 90%) 20ms <25ms
    Note 1: w.r.t. total working span
    Note 2: % of effective range (0 to 5V, 0 to 10V)
    Note 3: After warm up. Ambient = 25°C 
    Table 3  Analogue output specification table (voltage outputs)
    Analogue output: Current output performance
    Parameter Typical Max/Min
    Total current working span -24mA to +24mA
    (within -0.3V to +12.5V voltage span)
    Open circuit voltage <16V
    Resolution (noise free) (Note 1) 12.5 bits
    Calibration error (Notes 2 and 3) <0.25% <0.5%
    Linearity error (Note 2) <±0.1%
    Ambient temperature error (Note 2) <0.01%°C
    Maximum load resistance <550Ω
    DC Output conductance <1μA/V
    Hardware response time (10% to 90%) 20ms <25ms
    Note 1: w.r.t. total working span
    Note 2: % of effective range (0 to 20mA)
    Note 3: After warm up. Ambient = 25°C 
    Table 4  Analogue output specification table (current outputs)
    10V supply (Potentiometer supply)
    Output voltage: 10.0V ± 0.3V @ 5.5mA
    Short circuit o/p current: 15mA max.
    Ambient temperature drift: ± 0.012%/°C (typ); ±0.04%/°C (max.)
    Absolute maxima  Pin 1: (-0.7V or -300mA) or (+16V or +40mA)
    Digital I/O
    Hardware response time: 100μs
    Voltage inputs 
    Active level (high): 4.4V<Vin<30V
    Non-active level (low): -30V<Vin<+2.3V
    Input impedance: 10kΩ
    Contact closure input 
    Source current: 10mA min; 15mA max
    Open contact 
    (non active) resistance:  >500Ω
    Closed contact 
    (active) resistance:  <150Ω
    Current source output 
    Source current: 9mA<Isource<14mA @ 14V
    10mA<Isource<15mA @ 0V
    9mA<Isource<14mA @ -15V
    Open circuit voltage: <14V
    Internal pull-down resistance: 10kΩ (to 0V)
    Absolute maxima + terminal: ±30V or ±25mA
    - terminal: ±2A
    1. Absolute maximum ratings refer to externally applied signals
    2. The 10V potentiometer supply is designed to supply two 5kΩ
    potentiometers connected in parallel with one another.
    3. The maximum current for any 0V terminal is ±2A.
    Relay Specification 
    The relays associated with this 
    product have gold plated contacts 
    applicable to ‘dry circuit’ 
    (low current) use.
    Contact life Resistive loads: 100,000 operations (de-rate with inductive
    loads as per figure)
    High power use  Current: <2A (resistive loads)
    Voltage: <264V RMS
    Low power use  Current: >1mA
    Voltage: >1V
    Contact configuration:  Single pole change-over (One set of 
    Common, Normally Open and Normally 
    Closed contacts)
    Termination Relay 1 (standard): 3-way connector on underside of driver 
    Watchdog relay (standard): 3-way connector on underside of driver 
    Relays two to four (option): 12-way option module connector
    Absolute max switching capability: <2A at 240V RMS (resistive loads)
    Note: Normally closed and normally open refer to the relay when the coil
    is not energised.
    Optional Input/Output Modules (SK3, SK4, SK5)
    Up to three input/output modules can be fitted, each containing the inputs
    and outputs detailed below. Unless otherwise stated below, the specification
    for the optional I/O (including relays) is as given above for the standard I/O.
    Termination: Removable 12-way (5.08mm pitch) 
    connector per module
    Number of modules: Up to 3
    Number of inputs: 1 analogue input and 2 digital inputs per 
    Number of outputs: 1 analogue output per module
    Number of relays: 1 set of common, normally open and 
    normally closed contacts per module
    10V potentiometer supply 
    output voltage: 10.0V ±0.3V at 5.5mA
    1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2
    Reduction factor
    Inductive life = resistive life x reduction factor

    Mains Network Measurements
    All network measurements are calculated over a full mains cycle, but
    internally updated every half-cycle. For this reason, power control, current
    limits and alarms all run at the mains half-cycle rate. The calculations are
    based on network waveform samples, taken at a rate of 20kHz. 
    Measurements on each network phase are synchronised to its own phase
    and if the line voltage cannot be detected, the measurements will stop for
    that phase. It should be noted that, depending on the network
    configuration, the phase voltage referred to is one of:
    a. the line voltage referenced to neutral in four star,
    b. the line voltage referenced to neutral or another phase for single phase 
    networks or
    c.  the line voltage referenced to the phase applied to the next adjacent 
    power module for three phase star or delta networks.
    The parameters below are directly derived from measurements for each
    Accuracy (20 to 25°C)
    Line frequency (F): ±0.1Hz
    Line RMS voltage (Vline): ±0.5% of Nominal Vline
    Load RMS voltage (V): ±0.5% of Nominal V for readings
    >1% of Nominal V
    Thyristor RMS current (IRMS): ±0.5% of Nominal IRMS for current 
    readings >3.3% of Nominal IRMS
    Unspecified for readings <3.3% of 
    Nominal IRMS
    Note:  For external current feedback this 
    specification does not include errors
    associated with external current 
    Load RMS voltage squared (Vsq): ±1% of (Nominal V)2
    Thyristor RMS current squared (Isq): ±1% of (Nominal I)2
    True load power (P): ±1% of (Nominal V) x (Nominal I)
    Frequency resolution:  0.01Hz
    Measurement resolution:  11 bits of Nominal value (noise 
    Meas. drift with ambient temp: <0.02% of reading /°C
    Further parameters (S, PF, Q, Z, Iavg, IsqBurst, IsqMax, Vavg, Vsq Burst,
    VsqMax and PBurst) are derived from the above, for each network 
    (if relevant). See EPower User Guide Section 6.19.1 (Meas submenu) for
    further details.
    External Current Transformer
    Ratio:  Chosen such that the full scale 
    output from the current transformer
    is 5 Amps
    Modbus TCP (Ethernet)  Type: 10baseT (IEEE801)
    Protocol: Modbus TCP
    Connector: RJ45 with indicators 
    (Green = Tx activity; 
    Yellow = Network activity)
    Modbus RTU  Protocol: Modbus RTU slave
    Transmission standard: 3-wire EIA485
    Connector: Twin, parallel-wired RJ45, with 
    indicators (Green = Tx activity; 
    Yellow = Rx activity)
    Isolation (EN60947-4-3): Installation category II, Pollution 
    degree 2
    Terminals to ground: 50V RMS or dc to ground (double 
    DeviceNet: Protocol: DeviceNet
    Connector: 5-way with indicators 
    (Network Status and Module Status) 
    Profibus: Protocol: Profibus DPV1
    Connector: 9-way D type with indicators 
    (Operator Mode and Status)
    EtherNet/IP: Protocol: EtherNet/IP
    Connector: RJ45 with 3 indicators
    CC-Link:  Protocol: CC-Link version 1.1
    Connector: 5-way with indicators


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